Our Consumer & Carer Forum will be held on 15 May 2019

The Mental Health Tribunal is pleased to announce our third Consumer & Carer Forum, to be held on Wednesday 15 May, from 1-4pm at the RACV City Club, 501 Bourke St Melbourne.

This year’s theme is ‘Improving participation in hearings’. 

The forum will include a presentation on the results of our first hearing participants’ survey, the launch of our new website and a workshop on the following three questions:

  1. Why don’t people attend hearings?
  2. What can the Tribunal do to help more people attend hearings?
  3. What do people need to help them prepare for a hearing?

Please RSVP by 1 May to ali.pain@dhhs.vic.gov.au and advise any specific dietary requirements with your RSVP. Note places are limited so please register ASAP to avoid disappointment. 

See our flyer for this event for more information.